
Screw you Blockbuster!

So Mom sent me a e-mail today linking to the news story that Blockbuster was dropping their bid for Hollywood. Thanks, love ya mom.

This is awesome. Any guest that asking about that potential merger were apprehensive about it, and for all the positive spin from the HV suits, so was I. I just don't see them keeping all the stores open, and a lot of business would be lost because of BB's bad reputation with guests. Movie Gallery, however, will now buy Hollywood, barring any unforeseen circumstances, and probably not much will change for me at the store level. Especially in Milwaukee, where there are NO Movie Gallery locations. I don't think they would even change the name, at least initially, maybe a year or two down the road.

So what does this mean? Good things. Makes me happy about my job after my employees pissed me off earlier. And maybe Movie Gallery will see the need to pay us more, but don't expect me to hold my breath.


Blogger Maxx said...

I know you don't agree, but the casting issues for Kong are summed up with two words. I'll let you put them in the correct order: Black. Jack.

5:26 PM  

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